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Our comprehensive crisis communications service includes:
“You have been the calm captain steering us through this sensitive situation. I know we are not always the easiest to steer. Thank you for not faltering, thank you for questioning even when you knew we were hell bent on a path.”
– MD of a global technology and e-commerce company
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A global client discovered isolated but awful incidents of sexual harassment, bullying and workplace toxicity at one of their offices. The client had gone above and beyond in their legal and moral response to the victims, and eradicated the culture of toxic masculinity. But a complainant had approached the media under the #MeToo banner with untrue allegations to induce the company to pay an exorbitant settlement fee. The company faced significant commercial risks if the claims weren’t sensitively and accurately resolved in the courts of public opinion.
We immediately developed and implemented the following with the company’s
senior executive team including CEO:
The client successfully navigated this enormously difficult media terrain and retained all their clients.