We craft your message and amplify it.
We put you on the front foot.
We help you through the media storm
We give you the tools you need to win the public debate.

Resolve Communications is a specialist public relations and public affairs agency with offices in Cape Town and Johannesburg. We specialise in strategic communications, crisis management and lobbying.

What we do

Strategic communications and public relations

We specialise in setting the news agenda in top-tier print, radio, television, online and social media. We don’t just make the news, we make a difference.

Reputation management and crisis communications​

We carefully build, maintain and protect reputations. When a media crisis hits, we are with you every step of the way.

Public affairs
and stakeholder engagement

We understand government and what drives public officials. We connect you to decision-makers and give you the tools to persuade.


"It’s like a media avalanche! Thank you for all your work in getting our industry in the news."
– CEO of industry association
"You have been the calm captain steering us through this sensitive situation. I know we are not always the easiest to steer. Thank you for not faltering, thank you for questioning even when you knew we were hell bent on a path."
– MD of a global technology and e-commerce company
"We appreciate the excellent work done by the Resolve team. It is indisputable that this PR campaign has benefited our cause immensely. The recent support from SA’s international trade partners is a culmination of consistent brilliance behind the scenes and in the media."
– Chairperson of an SA-based advocacy group

News & views

Expectations of Our First SONA Under the GNU: A Blueprint for Economic Growth and Job Creation 
Resolve Rundown: 3 - 7 February 2025
Motsoaledi’s Sugar Rush: Sweet Taxes, Sour Consequences
Resolve Rundown: 27 - 31 January 2025

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The Resolve Brief, for insights, news and views.

Case Study

Resolve recently assisted a consortium of global businesses and individuals in their public opposition to draconian draft legislation that had already been passed by Parliament. The bill only required ratification by the President to take effect, and the effect of the legislation would have been severe: its implementation would have extinguished an entire industry and tens of thousands of livelihoods.

The ultimate aim of the campaign was to convince President Ramaphosa not to sign the legislation and refer it back to Parliament.

The strategy that the client adopted with us was strikingly effective. We ensured that the threats that the legislation posed, as identified by our client, were front and centre of the considerations before President Ramaphosa, his advisors and in the public debate.

We did this by:

  • Creating a compelling core message backed by credible legal and intellectual arguments

  • Identifying key channels to ‘land’ this message including stakeholders within the Presidency and across the media

  • Relentlessly seizing on opportunities to position the client’s issue in the minds of policy makers

  • Retaliating constructively against attacks by our client’s opponents

  • Closely managing a complex client team through regular reporting and recommendations

  • Providing an around-the-clock expert advisory service and skilled implementation


Ultimately, we succeeded in convincing the President that the legislation was not fit to be ratified – and he returned the legislation back to Parliament for further debate and satisfactory amendment in accordance with our client’s argument.

Case Study

A global client discovered isolated but awful incidents of sexual harassment, bullying and workplace toxicity at one of their offices. The client had gone above and beyond in their legal and moral response to the victims, and eradicated the culture of toxic masculinity. But a complainant had approached the media under the #MeToo banner with untrue allegations to induce the company to pay an exorbitant settlement fee. The company faced significant commercial risks if the claims weren’t sensitively and accurately resolved in the courts of public opinion.


We immediately developed and implemented the following with the company’s
senior executive team including CEO:

  • media risk protocol with clear lines of responsibility for the client’s lawyers, spokesperson and internal fact-gathering team 

  • comprehensive, robust and detailed strategic messaging document to underpin every proactive communication on the issue

  • thorough and detailed reactive ‘lines to take’ in preparation for difficult media enquiries – this was aimed at eliminating any element of surprise

  • media training for the company spokesperson and lawyer

  • assessment of media risks and opportunities as the landscape evolved 

  • 24/7 availability and access to a team of senior and experienced crisis communications professionals 


The client successfully navigated this enormously difficult media terrain and retained all their clients.