The week ahead in Parliament: Expropriation & Eskom on the national agenda
Nov 15, 2021

With last week’s Mid-Term Budget Policy Statement behind us, Parliament undertakes the intensive process of processing the proposed amendments.

In the National Assembly, the highlight for the week is undoubtedly the questions session for oral reply involving the Economics Cluster, which is programmed to take place on Wednesday.

Several important committee meetings are scheduled for this week.

Most notably, the submissions received regarding the Copyright and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills will continue its journey through the legislative process, with several committee meetings scheduled to deliberate on these Bills. It seems to appear that dealing with these Bills are very high on the Portfolio for Trade and Industry’s agenda.

Having been returned to Parliament by the President following certain constitutional reservations, the Portfolio Committee on Transport will be briefed by Parliamentary Legal Services on the National Land Transport Amendment Bill on Tuesday.

On a more contentious note, the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure will be considering the public participation reports regarding the Expropriation Bill on Wednesday. This meeting will most certainly be a good indicator of the views of the public in respect of the expropriation for nil compensation issue.

Also taking place on Wednesday, the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises will be briefed by Eskom as the SOE has an opportunity to shed light on its latest annual report and financial statements. 

There are many parliamentary committees are scheduled for this week, some of which are highlighted below. Committee meetings continue to take place primarily on virtual platforms, with most available to view live on on Parliament’s YouTube channel.

The week ahead

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

  • Portfolio Committee on Transport, (National Assembly), Deliberations on the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill [B 1 – 2020]: Consideration of updated list of proposed amendments; Briefing by the Parliamentary Legal Adviser on the President’s reservations in respect of clause 7 of the National Land Transport Amendment Bill, Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-11:00
  • Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, (National Assembly), [Consideration of Committee programme; Deliberations on the submissions received with regards to the Copyright and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-13:00
  • Standing Committee on Finance, (National Assembly), [Briefing by National Treasury on their Annual Report], Virtual Meeting Platform, immediately after Plenary approx. 18:00

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

  • Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition,, (National Assembly), [Deliberations on the submissions received with regards to the Copyright and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills; Consideration of the first draft of BRR Report], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-13:00
  • Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, (National Assembly), [Briefing by Eskom on the annual report and financial statements for 2020/21], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:30
  • Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Consideration of the Expropriation Bill public participation reports], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-11:00

Friday, 19 November 2021

  • Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, (National Assembly), [Deliberations on submission received wrt the Copyright and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills; Formal Consideration of the first draft of BRR Report], Virtual Meeting Platform, 09:00-13:0

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